Friday, March 25, 2016

The new house!

We've been living in the new house for almost two weeks now and LOVE it! The rest of the big move is tomorrow - looking forwards to having all of our stuff in one place again. I've been having a weird mix of good days and bad days - it's either one or the other, not really in-between. I was in the ER on Wednesday with my first bad migraine since December - the best stretch I've had in 8 months, so we're still feeling optimistic even though it really messed up my week.

Just loving the house, though. It's so beautiful.

I live for the sunshine! Our back yard is just lovely. I can't wait to get a garden started!

Our deck is looking pretty bare, but hopefully we'll find some affordable furniture before it gets warm out!

The inside is a mess of boxes, so you'll have to wait to see more of that. Hopefully it won't take forever to get unpacked!

1 comment:

AnneMarie said...

It's so wonderful that you had such a long stretch without a bad migraine! I'm really, really excited for you both in your homeowning adventure :)