Tuesday, February 5, 2008


...come on in and have a cup of tea!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time now, although it was my original intention to wait until my books started getting published and I actually had a readership.

However I find myself with a great deal of interesting thoughts these days that I would like to take the time to write about...and my hope is simply that this blog will help encourage that kind of writing from me.

Plus- I greatly enjoy reading the blogs of others. I find it is an easy way to learn a lot about people, as well as interacting and growing one's own beliefs. So I do hope that some of my friends and family members will find this a good way to learn more about me. And if any of you have, or start a blog, please let me know! I'm a pretty faithful reader. =)


eijtaeojoaehoj said...

Welcome to the world of Bloggers Elena. :)

Elenatintil said...

Thanks Paul! I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this...

Rose Marchen said...

Welcome to the blogsphere! I look forward to visiting this site often!

Elenatintil said...

Hey Amanda! Or should I say...Lady Rose? Thanks! I've been visiting your's too! I look forwards to hearing more from you! =)