Friday, January 29, 2010


If you were transported back to the time of Christ, would you try to stop the Crucifixion?

Ronni, a teenage girl from 21st century America finds herself awaking in 1st century Israel, and realizes that now is her chance to "save Jesus." But as the hours count down she starts learns why Jesus had to die...and then must face a choice that could change eternity.

This book, which was edited by my good friend Regina Doman, is an excellent retelling of the Crucifixion of Christ. It grapples with questions that young teenagers deal with in relation to the founding of the Christain faith and comes up with some very well-put answers. There are some very nice twists that even I wasn't expecting.

I believe this book would be most enjoyed by any young lady between the ages of 13 and 16. Parents might want to preview or read the book with their pre-teens, as it does contain some issues that some younger readers may not be ready for. And older girls, if your younger sister happens to get it, I'd certainly recommend you to borrow it and enjoy it as well!

The book is put out by a Catholic publishing company, so Protestant families may wish to discuss a few issues relating to the Catholic faith that their children might not be familiar with. It, however, would be a nice introduction to the differances between Catholocism and Protestantism and would make a good addition to any library.


Rose said...

Where could I find this book?

Elizabeth Amy Hajek said...

Amazon or Sophia Institute Press.