Monday, January 10, 2011

Updates, Mere Christianity, and Dresses

Continuing to make itty bitty improvements! I actually had a bit of cheese yesterday and today and was able to keep that down fine... still dealing with nausea and some other complaints, but I'm hoping that I'm on the mend!

In other news, I've decided that I will be reading "Mere Christianity" for my book blogging adventure. Thanks to all of you who gave your input! I hope to start it in the next few days. My illness has muddled my head up quite a bit so I don't feel quite up to pondering heavy thoughts just yet. Soon, though!

In the meantime I've had an itch to create, and though I can't sew, I can draw on my Wacom Bamboo Tablet. So I present to you two more sketches to enjoy! I think it's obvious that I've been reading a lot of Jane Austen lately. As for the wedding dress -- well, there are just a lot of wedding pictures and ideas cropping up all over the place, so I thought I'd try my hand at it. It's actually the first piece I've done completely in white, and I'm very happy with the way it turned out. White is probably the hardest color to manage depth in -- even more than black.

(Click for larger images)

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