Monday, December 8, 2008

Preparing for Christmas

I'm trying to actually prepare for Christmas this year. It's difficult because suddenly everything in my life is revolving around SOTB (check the movie blog for the latest news!). I've noticed this tends to be a trend. For the past four years or so there has always been something major occuring in December that takes my focus off the real meaning of the Holiday season. And so Christmas always tends to take me a little by surprise.

There are two things I'm trying to do to keep me mentally aware, if not completely focused, on the season. One is just playing Christmas music. This isn't hard because it's probably my favorite part of the whole holiday- I adore Christmas music. Granted, some of it is secular, but even the secular stuff makes me go "Oh, it's Christmas."

Secondly, of course, is interacting with the Christmas Story. I've been reading some of the passages in Luke, this time with more of a interest in Mary's story. I also told Mary's story to one of the little girls I nanny. It's surprising how little young children really know beyond "Baby Jesus in the Manger." And so I wonder, how much do most adults know?

At some point, probably not until the 23rd or 24th of December, I'll pick up book four of Bodie and Brock Thoene's A.D. Chronicles. Book four through six deal with the nativity story and are extremely well done. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few blog posts on those.

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