Saturday, March 10, 2012


As you've probably noticed, I've been doing a bit of sorting and rearranging here on the blog. I finally took down the costume page which redirected to my costume site. If you wish to visit Confessions of a Seamstress simply hit the link on the sidebar! 

Also on the sidebar is the e-mail address connected to my blog. If you have any questions or ideas that don't work as comments, feel free to send me a note at elenatintil [at] gmail [dot] com. 

And then there are the two new pages! Doctor Who was taking over my Geek Portal, so I gave it a page of its own. Jane Austen was spread out all over the blog and Downton Abbey was getting pretty big, so I created an addition for them.

Hopefully this will make navigation a bit easier and more friendly to new users, or old users who are searching for a particular article/subject. 

Did I miss anything? Let me know if something confuses you, or if there is another section you believe I should make, or any other changes I could implement that would improve your blogging experience!

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