Friday, August 16, 2013

So You Want to be a Productive Writer?

My friend and co-writer Matthew Bowman has a whole list of suggestions on how to achieve this end here.

Personally coffee shop writing is my favorite secret weapon. It forces me to focus on writing like nothing else. And I'm not the only one who thinks so, as a google search for "Why do Writers like writing in Coffee Shops" brings up a host of related articles.

William Landay says...
Nancy Warren says...
The AbsoluteWrite Forum Members say...
What Jack Hight says...
Annie Stamell says...

And one of my beloved authors, Gail Carriger, talks about the Etiquette of Cafe Squatting

(Despite the fact that I am taking to a break to write this blog post, I've achieved about 1500 words so far today and have yet another hour of writing time left).

1 comment:

Elora said...

Interesting. I think I agree with Nancy Warren and Jack Hight the most. And it's inspiring me to do a post on the subject. ;D Wish I had a latte with me. (Although I did pick up that delicious dark mocha frapp at Walmart yesterday, and it was lovely).